IMMERSE Coaching Company annually hosts the Visioning Webinar and Retreat, a pivotal event for visionary leaders preparing for a year of impact. Each year brings new promises and anticipations, demanding innovative strategies to unlock them.
In 2023, the Visioning Retreat expanded its horizons, spanning two days and two Nigerian cities. It took place in Lagos on January 20-21, 2023, and in Abuja on February 10-11. This gathering, organized by IMMERSE Coaching Company, united visionary leaders from diverse spheres in strategic planning and calibration for the year.
The Visioning Retreat was preceded by the Visioning Webinar, held on January 7, drawing over 7,000 registered participants.
Addressing the Windfinders for 2023, IMMERSE Coaching Company’s Lead Coach predicted the emergence of various wealth asset classes and highlighted a decade of substantial wealth transfers. Participants were encouraged to position themselves for new opportunities beyond traditional monetary exchanges in their careers, businesses, and social enterprises.
Visioning 2023 Retreat was totally for me! I came into the retreat knowing that my answers would be waiting for me and they were! From the visioning exercises to the clear insights for 2023, every session was super. I particularly enjoyed the sessions on visioning, enigmas and wealth assets, they provided copious amounts of clarity for me. I left guilt and regret behind and I am so ready to take on my world and solve enigmas! I have learnt that answers are coming to me for my industry and I am ready to run with them. 2023 is a year of work for me and Immerse and DDK have tooled me up to outdo and outperform.
It was a great use of two days and I’m so glad I was in the room. The energy, community and connections were so good! The balloon exercise was liberating and set the time for the day. There are so many things I can say about the 2023 Visioning Retreat but I will focus on the Wealth Asset Classes! My goodness, we are truly a lot more WEALTHY than we recognise! If the only thing I took away from the retreat was this teaching, it was worth it!
The Emerging Enigmas were both sobering and enlightening. My heart started burning for solutions to certain enigmas and showed me current realities.
Overall, I’m excited to use the insights, information and counsel from the retreat to frame my year and the rest of this decade.
In a thought-provoking discussion, the alternative to conventional monetary wealth was explored as participants were introduced to the concept of the 12 wealth asset classes, offering a unique framework for identifying various assets outside the realm of traditional currency.
In a groundbreaking move, the Visioning Retreat 2023 introduced the concept of the “12 Enigmas” – a collection of 12 significant and enigmatic challenges that will demand profound contemplation, innovative approaches, and fresh thinking across diverse domains of influence. Attendees were not only encouraged to embrace these enigmas but also to equip themselves by gaining in-depth insights and hands-on experience, becoming astute observers of trends, patterns, and events, cultivating a robust problem-solving orientation, and developing the capacity to formulate action plans that yield results, unravel enigmas, and usher in new realities.
During Visioning 2023 Retreat, I got exposed to new concepts as well as unique ways of thinking and approaching life. It was like my long term memory got re-jigged and I started to remember a lot of things I promised myself I would do in future. I enjoyed the facilitation and teaching by DDK. DDK was very thorough in her teachings and very patient with us when answering our questions. It was 2 days well spent!
The Visioning Retreat was beyond an experience. The Light, Answers and Clarity that came with each session and everyday filled my heart with Gratitude. It was like getting cheat codes and being saved from many years of Pain as a result of the Light that came to literally shift the trajectory of my life. DDK taught with wisdom, Light and humor all at the same time. The simplicity and applicability of each session made it easy to take in the knowledge. The room was filled with Future Forward Females and Thought Leaders yet there was a great sense of Intellectual humility. It was beautiful to see and experience.