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Concerning Forgiveness and Friendships

We are all social beings, created to relate with one another. So, maintaining healthy relationships or friendships are a vital part of our existence. No human is an Island. 

Living the epic life demands that you are intentional about the friends you hang out with because it will determine 60% of your future outcome. If friendships are this crucial, why then do people go casual when picking their friends? This is a thought for another day. 

So let me dive straight into the core of this article. Have you been offended by any dear friend of yours lately? How did you deal with the hurt that came with the offence? 

If you have been in a position where certain friends have hurt you? What systems have you adopted to deal with this kind of scenario? Forgiveness is one system to adopt. 

As difficult as the act of forgiveness is to execute, it is still an important system to adopt when dealing with hurt. After all, we have also received forgiveness from a loving God. Therefore, we have the capacity to forgive those who hurt us. 

Forgiveness helps us maintain healthy, horizontal relationships in life. Offences will come and there is no escaping that. But forgiving people in advance, especially close friends/relatives, for their offences even before the offences come allows you prepare your heart ahead of time. 

If difficult circumstances in your relationships are not handled with wisdom and forgiveness, the root of bitterness has tendencies to spring up in your heart and destroy you even though you are in right standing based on the events that led to the issue in the first place. 

Allow God to judge the issue and give Him the glory because He allowed you to overcome that challenge. It is not going to be easy, especially when people very dear to you offend you. But be of good cheer, you shall overcome. As you sow these seeds into earth, God who sits over the affairs of men shall orchestrate yours and grant you mercy in your time of need. 

Written by Eshastake

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