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Esther, the detective story lover

We’d like to begin this post by bragging about the absolutely beautiful ladies we have in the IMMERSE Inner Circle. Gorgeous Ladies everywhere!

Our member spotlight feature for today issssssssssss Esther Leo (A round of applause here)

She lives in Abuja, Nigeria. She was born on the 4th of June, and she says  the month she was born in is just the accurate time to come into earth in response to a call to solve the need I was created to provide solutions to.

How awesome and purposeful is this Ladies!

She works as a Customer Service Representative, A writer, and A support institution in any capacity that she’s able to help.

She’s currently working on a project called “Waiting-Wednesday”. It’s a waiting series on her WhatsApp status and Facebook stories aimed at holding people’s hands as they go through their waiting process the right way. It’s also aimed at strengthening minds, creating healthy expectation attitude, reducing suicide rates, and in the long run teaching the world that having a dream you can achieve is different from dreaming, but its okay to start from there.

She’s in the Clarify Squad and we are super proud of her progress.

And guess what? She does not have a favourite course in the Inner Circle and here’s why:

The various courses hit me just where I need to be hit at every moment.

Who else can relate with how she feels about our courses in the Inner Circle?? Let’s see you in the comment section.

Here are Esther’s expectations as a member of the Inner Circle:

To rise above the normal because I am not Normal. To gain Clarity of Vision, to find the money-making gifts and genius in me.

 Wow! This is Superb!

Here are some interesting facts about Esther:

Reading, watching detective movies, singing, Worshiping God, Helping people. I love Love, I love Nature so so much, and I love Family, the idea of Family is very important to me, to discover the various new mes as I evolve.

Thank you Esther for agreeing to do this with us. We are super thrilled. And cheers to discovering the various new yous on your evolution journey!


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