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Hello FEAR!!! You have been demystified!!!

Fear Cripples all and sundry in the most mundane ways and even though it might not seem like it, I want you to notice how it affects you subtly and if not guarded, it grows and becomes a monster you cannot control. 

Writing about my personal experience will help you whittle down to discover those areas that you never knew in your life, you had up until now lived in fear. I was faced with a very challenging circumstance and I was literally at the crossroad of life. 

At first, so many thoughts began to flood my mind on how I had made terrible mistakes in the past that led me to this point and I began to have those internal conversations on how I would have avoided this current season had I made better choices. 

Prior to this time, I had been immersing myself in teachings on dealing with fear and enforcing uplifting internal conversations. Growth is uphill, never easy, might seem unproductive from the onset but even though you do not see the immediate changes, stay with it until you notice positive changes.

It was time to deploy my arsenal and strategize on how to navigate this season. I began to speak out as though I was having a conversation with a friend but this time I was talking to my mind. The inner voice that kept pulling out files of how this season was going to cripple me. I began to affirm who I was loudly, so I could hear myself speak those words and decided never to give in to fear but to keep my head high with courage that I was going to harvest the good regardless. 

At some point, my mind tried to talk me out of my resolve, but I kept feeding my faith with affirmations, confessions of God’s Word and flashbacks of how I had overcome similar seasons in the past. So many voices from without through conversations tried to weaken my faith but I continued to affirm that I had been vindicated and all things will work together for my good.  That way, I starved my fear and fed my faith so much that I began to have courage from within to face my fears no matter the tides or the raging storms life presented. 

I never entertained fear, self-pity or discouragement in my thought realm and allowed only that which made me more confident sit into my subconscious. Although there were days I was tested and began to ask why this was happening but I quickly spoke life into the situation by decreeing through words, what I wanted existent in my reality to boost my faith. All things did work out for my good and here I am sharing my story. 

You can begin from today to starve your fears. They might seem real but know that they only exist in your imagination just like a mirage. You empower them when you begin to entertain those thoughts, focus on them and dwell on them consistently until it’s birthed. Remember, all things are created twice; First in the intangible (thought realm) and then, the tangible (physical realm) where it now becomes real and is manifested physically in your life. You always have the power to choose your thoughts and must never entertain those of fear but of faith. 

Thank you for being a part of my journey to greatness and I believe this allows you to rise above your fears and live fully in faith knowing all things always work together for your good. Until next time I remain Esha!! Be Phenomenal.

Written by Esha…

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