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You need to just start.

You must have heard that a number of times.  I am a proponent of this too. I believe that when you’re clear on what you are to do and have your inner go-ahead, you should take the crazy scary step of putting your first foot forward. Right into that possibly terrifying place. Just do it.

However, as good and motivating “Start” is, my emphasis in this post is FINISH.

It has become relatively easier to be starters.  Many things provide motivation to start, from your own dreams, examples around you, to the nervously-racing world that puts you on a steady dose of adrenaline and anxiety.

You can start 50 courses at the same time. Open 4 books in the same week. Start this. Start that.

The truth remains that the real reward isn’t just for starters. There is nothing that beats the exhilaration of getting to the finish line.

There’s nothing that provides more motivation for you subsequently than knowing you finished despite all.

It brings a sense of self-respect that makes you take yourself seriously – which is something you will always need.

It is good that you have people who believe in you. But you probably won’t go far if you only depend on that. You need to convert people’s faith in you into your own, if it will really power you for the long run.

And one sure way of doing this is in your ability to stay the course. 

You need to actively build that mental muscle and train your subconscious mind that you are not a quitter. You are tough.

When the going gets tough, you still get going.

Before this gets too long, I’m saying that you shouldn’t just fraternize with the idea of starting. See yourself getting to the finish line.

Learn to tell yourself, ‘No matter what, I’m finishing that.’

Don’t be an adrenaline junkie with a lot of beginnings to your credit but few endings.

Go back to the design systems that will help you finish. Pick those books you read halfway. Take that awesome idea you lost steam over and continue.

You are not a quitter. You stay with it to the finish line!

Have a great day.

Written by Ajilore Oluwatoyin.

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3 Responses

  1. Thank you for this! Very instructive.
    It’s not just enough to start, what’s much more important is finishing what you started. Personally, I’m the queen of starting things however, finishing has been such a struggle. I’d make conscious effort to apply myself to finishing whatever I’d be starting.

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