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God is Not Mad at You!

A couple years back, with a busy school schedule and other things, I realized I was barely spending quality time with God, and I felt so guilty. My thought process the whole time was that God was disappointed in me, and I did not know how to approach Him.


One day, on my way to a public library, while I was thinking about it, asking God for forgiveness and strength, the words that came to mind were ”My Daddy loves me, My Daddy knows and sees my struggles, My Daddy can literally relate and My Daddy cares (I actually shed a few tears at this point)”.


I arrived at the library and one of the first books to get my attention was this book by Joyce Meyer and the title right there definitely answered my quiet question…. “GOD IS NOT MAD AT YOU!”. Talk about such perfect timing!


I picked up the book, went through a few pages and here’s what I  learnt/was reminded of:

  • God’s Love: His unconditional love for me that is not earned by what I do neither does it diminish by what I do not do. 
  • I need to run to God and not from Him because His arms are always wide open. He wants to listen to you talk about everything yes everything you could possibly rant about, even your laziness to pray or study His word because all these show your weakness and the need to depend on the Holy Spirit.


This moment was so encouraging as I realized that all I needed to do was acknowledge my weakness and come back home. The devil was trying to mess with my thoughts and feelings but God’s word says “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden… [Heavy-laden with guilt, sorrow, feelings of inadequacy, financial burdens, anything that could possibly cause you to worry], and here comes my favorite part …and I will give you Rest”


So, if like me you have felt this way, presently feel this way or may feel this way in future, I just want you to always remember there’s an open invitation to come back home and trust me, GOD IS NOT MAD AT YOU. I repeat it again GOD IS NOT MAD AT YOU.

Written by  Temiloluwa Durojaiye (Temidimples).

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