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Have A Power Quarter!

I was sharing with my women in the Swift Woman package during our Seminar one Saturday, about how I really sense that we are all about to step into what could become a Power Quarter! The last three months of the year, which could offer you an extraordinary opportunity to outdo the last nine months, and push into new territories as well as results. 

In my Power Quarter 2019 for example, I launched two new books and relaunched one evergreen book. I welcomed 500 new members to the IMMERSE Inner Circle. I spent time in thought and strategy to create a new DOABILITY coaching app for women who want execute rapidly, which was birthed in 2020. I read 9 Power Books on my list. I also got to spend a great amount time with family, friends and loved ones including a Vacation just to think, pray and sleep. I was able to host three amazing conferences for three unique expressions I lead. (You’re in one of them!! ) 

So what’s yours going to be this year? What things, experiences, growth, contributions and creations will make the last three months of 2020 for you? How will October to December help you close out your year with tremendous power and purpose?
To help you think about a rounded way to put in the work on yourself, and prepare to have an EPIC last quarter; I will be giving you a simple first-level insight to the 7-pathway-framework I created for women who want to step into an Extraordinary Life. It is the framework that ACCELERATION Intensive runs on, and when you get into the Course (if you have not), please take notes. But for today, here are seven Levers that pull you into the Extraordinary Life. Look at each and rate yourself today. How are you doing with each? What adjustments must you begin to make? 

1. MindPower – Do you have the right thinking, mindsets, and mental patterns that make you feel powerful, help you see the world with eyes of opportunities not a lens of regret? Do you process thoughts to a logical end that aid decision making? Is your mind an engine of innovation or a small room full of dirt and doubt? Do you read and study, analyse and reason a lot? 

2. Meaning – Are you growing in clarity about your purpose? Is there a strong WHY to everything you do? What drives you and makes you who you are? Do you take time to align projects and relationships to your highest ideals and deepest values? 

3. Mastery – Fine, you’ve been called to change the world, but would you submit to the process of growth, grit and gusto? Are you preparing by upskilling, and gaining new knowledge? Are you been mentored and earning the needed certifications? 

4. Message – Do you know how to position yourself in your career? Do you know how to amplify your business brand so that you are no longer a well-kept secret in Lagos? Are you growing a following strategically and deliberately giving value to your community? What are you currently known for? 

5. Moves – Are you going out of your way to make critical collaborations, launch your initiatives and scale your vision? Are you quick to execute and opening up your business to other countries? Do you try out new things often and do the work that creates more platforms for your purpose? 

6. Money – How money-wise are you? Is your money-mindset in the abundance space or limited to your bank account? Are you investment-intelligence? How many streams of income do you have? Ever read a book on money? 

7. Ministry – Is your relationship with God going strong and stronger? Do you have times of private study and active prayers? Are you so busy to hear and discern? Is God the King of your Strategy? How do you rate on each?

So there you have it, darling!

These Seven Levers or Pillars are key to Stepping into the Extraordinary. How are you going to get better in each of these? 

I love you and really thank you for letting me share my life with you! Have a beautiful week! 

PS: REMEMBER to take the ACCELERATION INTENSIVE course if you have not done so.

written by DDK

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