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Here’s Why You Should Stop Taking Things Personal

Greetings to you beloved! We meet again. Yes, I agree it’s been a while, but I am here just taking life one step at a time and literally depending on the Holy Spirit for each step I take.

Meanwhile I’d like to believe that you, my dear reader, are also doing fine and taking life a step at a time and embracing each step with gratitude. Now let us get into today’s topic.

I think the first thing you said, the moment you saw my article title, was, “Come on Lisa! It’s easier said than done”, or “It’s hard not to”. And yes, it is hard, it is also easier said than done, but it is not impossible.

Over the years, as I have grown, (still growing by the way, I am not that old Ok!) I have learnt, and I am still learning not to take things too personal. In this life, people will always offend you no matter what! Your mum, dad, husband, wife, friend, sister, brother, children, the list is endless. However, how you choose to react or respond to the offence is all in your power.  

If you begin to practice the skill of not taking things personal, you will see that people’s offence won’t get to you. I am not saying you can’t get upset.

Of course, you can. But you don’t have to stay there. Being upset and offended requires more energy than forgiving and moving on. And why would you want to lose an entire day being upset or thinking about what so and so did or said.

Your time is precious, and unlike money and other material things you actually can’t buy it back! You are at your lowest productivity level when your energies are negative. Being sad, upset, angry etc will just produce negative energy and a big dump in your spirit. There are things we cannot change so why let them dictate how you feel?

The first thing I started implementing in this journey of not taking things personal when it comes to offences is forgiveness. Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do but it’s also the most liberating.

Learn to forgive people beforehand. Trust me, it will help when they actually offend you. Now, I hear someone say, “But Lisa you don’t know what so and so

did to me”. Yes, I don’t. But forgiveness is not for the benefit of the offender. Forgiveness is actually for you! Forgiveness will free you. 

See, most times, it is not always about the person that has done something, it’s about what God is doing in us, and what He is preparing us for. So, start looking for what God might want you to learn about yourself. For example, is he trying to let you know you need to work on your patience?

The Holy Spirit is working in us so that we can become more and more like Christ. Also, communication is very powerful. Never assume someone knows they have offended you, if it is not an obvious offence in this case.

Have a loving conversation with the person depending on the level of relationship you guys have. Some people genuinely don’t know that what they did or said hurt you. So you have to speak to them with love. It will also help them grow as a person.

Before I go, I just want to clear a few things. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you stay there and keep getting hurt. It means letting go and moving on. Dropping everything at the feet of Jesus and receiving his peace. You will sleep better at night!

I hope you were blessed with this short post. I pray that God heals you from any hurt and pain that you might have suffered through the years. Receive the grace to fully forgive and move on. Receive freedom!

Written by Lisa Maxwell

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