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Hey Guys! Our member spotlight for today is Temiloluwa Kingsley-Opurum

She resides in Lagos, Nigeria.

She was born on the 30th day of June. She believes that June is special because she was born in June. According to her, everywhere and everything she touches tursn to gold.

Temiloluwa is the Creative director and lead formulator at Viva La Glam Naturals, an establishment which aspires to be a global leader in improving the health and wellness of women primarily but not exclusively, by providing the finest herbal and nature-based skin, hair care, and beauty treatments. Wow.

She says that her joy is to see every woman fall utterly in-love with herself.

She is also the founder of Abba’s Delight Network, an NGO that caters to the spiritual, mental and emotional needs of women, helping them to uncover their true worth and identity. Temiloluwa is also the convener of Baring Your Scars Conference, a quarterly meeting that brings support and wholeness ,helping women to release and heal from their past and present pain. This is one powerful woman!

You can contact her:

On Instagram @vivalaglam_naturals @temiloluwakingsley

On Facebook Temiloluwa Ayopeju Kingsley

On WhatsApp 07062671350

Temiloluwa just launched a book “Daily Gummies” a confession and affirmation book for children,which was one of her NBTs in the last quarter of IMMERSE.

Right now, she is working on a project themed “catalyst for change” put together by Karis and Eloes hand of hope Foundation . It is an initiative to empower 5000 rural women in five different communities in Lagos which started in August and will end in December 2020. These women will be trained in five different skills and the best one thousand get to receive a start up kit . According to the WHO ,the second largest cause of death is depression and if our women do not get to be empowered, a lot of things can go wrong and we’ll know once a woman is empowered, a nation is empowered .

She is a member of the Create Squad. No wonder she is a wonderful creator. Lol.

Temiloluwa says “Wisdom wand was my first course in immerse and it gave me a lot of “gbasgbos” moments . I discovered that was missing in balancing my life and business was wisdom and that to become the woman I picture, I need a commensurate of wisdom to capture that picture . The wisdom wand helped me in reorganizing my life, I knew where to fix my Laser focus . Everything changed the moment I applied all what DDK shared in wisdom wand. I was able to do the things that mattered most to me and as well as grow my influence, business and productivity . The first thing that changed was that the feeling of overwhelm I was experiencing disappeared. Thank you DDK for dishing wisdom pipping hot.” Profound!

This cycle, she desires to fully birth and give expression to all that Abba Father has embedded within her, to articulate and set her goals clearly and run with it till its birthed. She also hopes to make new friends and network .

Do you want to know something fun about Temiloluwa? Well, she loves to eat yam. “I can eat yam any time of the day” she says. She also loves to help others make their dreams happen, she is that one friend that will keep reminding you of that one thing you need to do till it’s done. I am sure we all have a friend like that. If you don’t, make fiends with Temi and let her keep you accountable to your goals.

Another fun fact about Temi is that she says she can cry ‘for Africa’. She cries while watching movies, reading books almost everything gets her teared up. You would agree with me that she is a very sweet and likeable person in general, wouldn’t you?

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