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My Mirror Talks!

My mirror talks just like it did in Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!

Would you believe that?

Let me back up a bit to some events in my life some years back before we get into my talking mirror.

Some years ago, before I got married I was a comfortable size 8. I was 100% in the category of slim women.

Well, three babies later, with the youngest being 5 years old at the time of writing this, I have gained some weight and in recent times  I have become conscious of the need to choose a healthy lifestyle that gives rise to a healthy weight.

In the midst of this quest, I bought a mirror; the one that talks. Everytime I looked at it, I would turn away feeling so troubled. My husband has also been on a weight loss journey and got even more concerned too when the mirror arrived. When we stood before the mirror, it spoke to us. It told us we were going over board and needed to work harder at weight loss. It didn’t nicely suggest that we were a bit overweight it screamed at us and like in every day language it yelled “You are fat, very fat!”

Then we went to church and stood before the mirror in my husband’s office. Alas it had a different story to tell. We went to a mall and the mirrors there told us a different story. The story of these external mirrors were not in sync with the mirror in our home. That’s when it dawned on us that the mirror had been speaking lies and had given us feed back based on it’s inaccuracy. It was the kind that enlarged images.

Then I began to think about how the” mirrors” around us speak to us. In our lives as parents, what are we mirroring to our children? Daily we set images before them by how we treat them, what we say to them or don’t say to them. Our daily interaction with them is a mirror we hold up to their faces. What have we mirrored to them?

Have we taken Miss Tricia’s school report that says they are bad in English or Maths and held it up in their faces?

Are we comparing them with other children and making them feel  inadequate?

The only mirror these precious children of ours should stand before is the mirror of God’s Word. That’s the only accurate mirror there is. Every other mirror is inaccurate and misleading, like the one still sitting nicely on my bedroom wall.(Making a mental note to replace it)

So dear mom (and dad), you and I can choose what to reflect to our children.

This is why I am big on affirmations over my children and speaking uplifting words to  them!

As we speak these words daily over our children, we must say them to their hearing and back them up with corresponding actions.

Today is a good day to begin and get it right. We can become deliberate about what our children gaze upon. We can set the right image before them.

As they look, they will be changed!

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV

The only mirror that should be speaking to your little darlings (and even the not so little darlings) must be the mirror of God’s Word.

Written by Meekay Writes

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