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Happy International Women’s Day


The colony of ants serves as an all time analogy of the significance of the faces that make up formidable teams. Though different in structure, different in the strength each one wields and different in function, together they are the reason collective goals are crushed!

As the world Celebrates women today, the named, the famous, the faces who have made it to the billboards and magazine covers, we also celebrate women from all races, tribes and tongues who though seemingly faceless are the face of every strong and thriving society!

The Eunice and Lois Tribes!
The Mothers of Ben Carsons!

Because raising whole Children has a ripple effect on the society at large. Don’t get pressured by charges that “scream fix the world, fix the world!”

Dear woman nursing a baby and raising young children, you are fixing the world! You are making impacts. Remember there is no world and no global scene without the individuals who make up these spaces.

So daily show up.
Pour into those children.
Speak words over their lives.
Pray the scriptures over them.

Set them in the way that they should go.
One day at a time you are making a difference. You are the reason the rehab center will have one less patient in the future.

Daily show up and keep pouring. Even if this keeps you away from the limelight, you are beaming a light that the darkness of the world can not comprehend!

Even if you do this in your home, behind the scenes, you matter. Your daily sacrifices count.

What is not okay is to wake up without this truth burning beneath your breast. Everything will be wrong if all you do is tie a wrapper around your chest with a hair net to go with it or stay clad in your Peejays all day, sitting before Telemundo for hours unending, scrolling through social media feeds, pitching your tent on Netflix. Ah, that one is bad! We can’t do it that way.

To pour, we must be full. So dump the thought that raising Children is a mediocre task. Show up like the CEO of your home.
Show up with intentionality.
Show up like it’s the greatest job on earth because truly it is.
You are the man to whom God gifted a womb! A wom(b)man!
You wield intense power.
You matter!
You are creation’s strongest gate, the access to first breaths on this side of life!
For the years you have taken your place, stood strong and played your role, we celebrate you today.

Written by Emike.

We all at IMMERSE are saying Happy International Women’s Day.

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