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Cracking the Secret Code of Geniuses

We live in spaces that are arranged quite differently based on what we admire the most. For some category of people, their spaces must be arranged a certain way for them to thrive and be comfortable in that environment.

I began to pay more attention to my environment and space recently because I discovered it affected my mood. I hadn’t always known this.  When I deliberately began to curate my space to reflect how I wanted to feel at the time, the mental clutter reduced drastically. I felt more at peace with myself and experienced the flow in my craft.

This is my style; It works like magic. What your mind is to your space is what your relationship is so you can birth your genius. What do I mean? Let me explain.  The right people can only gravitate towards you when you first are the most authentic version of yourself. Authenticity is how you can begin to attract your tribe. They will naturally be drawn to you because your life radiates what they desire in theirs as well.

Relationships can either make or break you. At the level of genius, relationships have everything to do with how you show up in the world because over time, those experiences become your normal conversations and they get into your subconscious where they get automated and run on autopilot. Alas, your new normal.

Pay attention to the people you have around you. What is the quality of life that they live? Is that what you want your future to look like? Where do you see yourself in the near future and what are your expectations?  The people you let into your space can form the secret ingredients that birth the Genius Code YOU.

SOS ALERT: When these relationships become your daily experiences long enough, it’s hard-wired into your DNA and you begin to act like them on an automated level. Flip this on either side of the coin and you have a script creating a blockbuster.

The Secret is first to become that person you envision so you attract your tribe and curate these experiences on a global scale, stretching out to new frontiers with the courage to dare and be different. As little as this may seem, it’s a secret code that existed from the beginning of ages in Genesis because God Himself sought fellowship with Adam and it was a daily experience before the fall. Pay attention to this secret and you will see yourself thrive in your diverse spheres of influence. Until next time, Eshastake signing out and urging you to remain Phenomenal.

Written by Eshatake

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