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The Power of Words

Words carry enormous power and are seeds that can germinate into great trees. 

The scriptures says; Life and death are in the power of the tongue, but what is the tongue without words?

I’ll love to describe words as a fountain that flows from the reserve of a person’s heart; The core of whom one is: one’s belief systems, environment, mindsets and character. A fountain always has a source and every fountain typically exhibits characteristics of the kind of fountain that it flows from. If your source, that is; whom you are, the substance of your thoughts and evidence of your character is impure and unworthy, then you cannot bring forth pure and good words. 

Now, we know where words stem from; Thoughts. What forms our thoughts?

As much as it is literally, what you fill a container will be its contents. Comparatively, what you fill your mind with is what embodies it. We must pay adequate attention to what we fill our minds with. What we see, our environment, companions, the materials we relate with such as videos and what we read, influences our minds and thoughts greatly and ultimately our speech.

Words are spiritual. 

We cannot visibly handle our speech and even when words are written, it is the substance on which we scribble that is visible, not the words per say. I believe words are the most evident part of our lives that bridges this physical world with the spiritual. We pray and commune with God through words.

We know from scriptures that God created the world through his words from nothing. Words have power to create. Words also have power to destroy and pull down. A person can be delivered by words and another bound through words.  We are also made to understand that if a person can control his /her speech and not sin through words, that person can exercise self-control over any other part of one’s self. The bible explicitly says the tongue is full of deadly poison, a fire that if not tamed can ruin one’s entire life.

The good news is, as much as the tongue and its fruit of words can do that much evil, it is equally latent with capacity to birth good and create great blessings through its right use. Remember God’s method of creation? Everything God created was good. God has also given us the right to create through our words. We can change the course of our lives and reality by paying attention to the words we profess, choosing what we say and deliberately speaking the reality of what we expect even though we do not see it yet.

More so, we have God’s words. We must proclaim what God has said about us from scriptures and believe it by faith and it will be done to us. We must never forget that words are spiritual and it an important tool that the enemy, the devil uses against us. We must be on guard to protect our lives from the attack of the wicked one and press in to bring to life God’s intention and promises concerning our lives by speaking words that will birth forth those promises.

Our words are like seeds and whatever we sow into them germinate and brings forth of the likeness that we plant. And just like the natural law of sowing and reaping, the harvest is always in abundance of the planting.

Dear friend, choose your seeds cautiously.

Written by Aanuoluwapo Adekola

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