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Three Interesting Lessons I Learned From the Overcomer Movie

I seldom watch movies. You can hardly catch me curled up on a sofa, engrossed in a blockbuster (or any film for that matter). So it was perfectly normal for me to ignore my friend’s Whatsapp post (sent to me in January), where she oooed and ahhed about this fantastic Christian movie she just watched.  

However, with Lockdown in fully swing and some moments of idleness, I finally decided to check out this ‘’terrific’’ movie she raved about. 

Darling sisters, I don’t have the words to describe Overcomer, the latest release of Alex and Stephen Kendrick (producers of War Room, Courageous and Facing the Giants).

The movie is in a class of its ow, and I can only enjoin you to go check it out for yourself.

Filmed mainly in Georgia, USA, Overcomer tells the story of Hannah Scott, an athletic fifteen year old

orphan whose transfer to Brookshire Christian School brings her across the path of John Harrison, an embattled basketball coach who had lost his team, and had been mandated to coach the School’s only cross country runner- asthmatic Hannah Scott!

Through different twists and turns, the audience eventually finds out that Hannah isn’t an orphan after all.

Her runaway father was back in town, broken, sick, dying in a hospital room and longing for reconciliation with the daughter he abandoned fifteen years earlier.

Overcomer is a story of identity, forgiveness, God’s redeeming love and divine turnarounds.

Permit me to share with you 3 key lessons I picked from this amazing movie.


’If I asked you who you are, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?”

That was the question Thomas Hill (Hannah’s father) asked Coach Harrison.

Life asks each of us the same question: Who are you? What do you allow to define you, your job; account balance; background;your connections?

If (or when) all these defining elements are stripped away, who are you, still?

Overcomer teaches us that our identity is tied to whatever we give our hearts to. When we give our heart to anything besides Christ, we stand on a slippery slope. Going downhill is only a matter of time.


When Hannah came face-to-face with the father who had abandoned her, she had a choice to make: to walk away from him in bitterness, or to forgive him and receive his love.

Her grandmother (who had been badly hurt by Hannah’s father) also had to let go of the bitterness she had harboured for years and pardon the man who robbed her of her daughter (Hannah’s mother).

It was not an easy route to ply, but with divine help, Hannah and her Grandma were able to get rid of rancour and extend forgiveness.

Clearly, forgiveness is hard on the flesh, but with God, nothing is impossible.


Yes He does! When we allow Him, He makes happy endings out of unpleasant situations. He gives joy, fulfilment and gladness to disillusioned souls.

Surely, God reconciles hearts that were previously hostile to one another. He turns victims into overcomers. He did it in the movie; He does it all the time in reality. Halleluyah!

All I have shared is just a tip of the iceberg. Beautiful life lessons abound in the film. Go find out for

yourself. If you have seen the movie, share your key lessons with me in the comment section. Peace!

Written by Theodora

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