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Uroro, the Inner Circle Lover

Hello Ladies,

On the spotlight today, we have the beautiful Uroro Obaji!! *A round of applause*

She lives in Lagos, and she is Market Development Coordinator for a financial services regulator.

She is directly involved in driving my organisation’s market development mandate in her geopolitical zone. Wow!

She was born in the month of April, the 27th and she says her birth month, and her birthday is special because she came as an answer to a very specific prayer request, and a deep desire of her parents (This is deep,and you will understand this when you read the interesting facts about her).

Ladies, Uroro is an investor! She invests in the money and capital market and she is also an active saver on a fintech platform (You can get some investing tips from her)

She belongs to Team Clarify, and her favourite Inner Circle Course is the Life Clarity Course. She absolutely loves the course because it focuses on major areas of her life where she requires in depth review. For her, the modules which focus on family, career and finances are her personal favourites.

Who feels the same way about the Life Clarity Course? Gather in the comment section for a selfie. lol!

Her expectation as an Inner Circle member is to  gain clarity on her life’s assignment. She desires to be absolutely sure of what she’s meant to do.

Lovely, innit?

Now, onto the fun and interesting fact about Uroro. Yaay!

Here’s what she told us:

I’m the only lady in my nuclear family and also come from an extended family with limited female membership. I’m glad to join this community which is the exact opposite of what is my natural habitat and have deep, enlightening interactions.

And we have come to the end of an interesting spotlight episode.

Thank you for reading!

And a special shout out to Uroro for agreeing to do this with us! xoxo

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