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What to Do When it Seems Like God Has Forgotten You

Disappointments hit back to back, discouragement seems to be my companion and tears, oh, seems to be the only way I can communicate my heart. It’s lonely and dark, seems like God is not here or better still, has forgotten me. 

The dreams are looking bleak, plans not coming to fruition because every step forward seems like taking 5 steps backward, and nothing seems to be working! Friends desert you because they don’t know how to walk with you during this season.

Your better-half doesn’t know what more to do to help and you just want to give up. The challenges of life want to steal your power to dream, to hope and to have joy in this current season. It makes you feel ‘less than enough’ and wondering what on earth you’re here for.

It is in this moment that I remember! I remember how I am alive to see this new day– it’s purely by God’s mercies. I remember how I have sound health and strength to do the things I desire to do. 

I remember I can see, walk, feel, smell, hear and sense without any assistance. I remember how God came through for me in previous difficult seasons. I remember that all I have is purely a revelation of God’s love and mercy toward me. 

I remember how God is with me, even though it doesn’t seem like it because I can’t feel it. I remember how God is faithful to His word and still does miracles. I remember how God is good to me and since He didn’t withhold His only son from dying for my sins that I may know Him, He would not withhold any good thing from me. 

I remember the beautiful relationships He has blessed me with. I remember the roof over my head, the bed I lay on and the food I eat. I remember the gift of the Holy Spirit who helps me navigate this season and comforts me when I’m down. 

I remember that this season has an expiry date. I remember that it is always darkest before it is the dawn of a new day. I remember that God is for me and not against me. I remember that all things would work out for my good because I love God. I remember there is a purpose for this season. I remember I’m fighting from a place of victory, not fighting for victory. I remember who I am in Christ. 

Because I remember all these things, I know that I shall make it. I know I would smile at last and I know that when the going gets rough, I’m not alone; the Holy Spirit is with me. I know I shall triumph because I am more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens me!!

Written by Ms.Royalty & Sacred

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