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Why The World Needs More Intercessors

The disruptive nature of technological advancements that befall us daily has many more humans having less interactions with one another, thereby leading to all manner of societal ills like addictions to drugs, social media, unhealthy competition and comparisons, especially for people who belong to the same social status or presume they should have evolved to certain levels in life. 

Depression and cases of suicide are rampant among generations Z and millennials. Therefore,  we must stand in the gap to correct these societal ills and that is the role intercession plays. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem as the Bible says.

Our Jerusalem is the environment around us; that which we can influence directly or indirectly through our sacrifice of prayer for the well-being of the society as a whole. We can start with those we interact with closely and spread out to everyone who is instrumental to the success of our daily activities, then to our rulers, kings and those in authority so  that it may be well with us. 

Giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s is a very powerful principle Jesus taught His disciples when He was on earth. The place of obeying authority and paying our dues is very vital as we walk through life, leaving legacies on the sands of time. 

This is our token to our society, that collectively, we will make it a duty to pray for people in authority, and our horizontal relationships as they matter and must be guarded with intentionality through our daily actions and acts of prayer.

It is a sacrifice we must make and in no time, things would strategically become easier. We would also gain favour with men as people hold keys to doors and can either open or close them with respect to certain things. This is what we believe God for.

This is the system we operate on earth and God does not break principles that govern certain territories. So, the benefits of intercession are like an endless ocean.

It’s a big win for all who indulge and make a resolve to intercede and stand in the gap today. The world needs more intercessors. Will you join in? 

Written by Eshatake 

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