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I was reading this book by T Harv Eker; Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. He mentioned that true rich folks constantly learn and grow while

You hadĀ an excellent plan for your week. You were on your A-game. You were going to finish that pending project, continue that course, pitched that

We are in the knowledge economy and people all over the world are bombarded with information about hacks on wealth creation, self-development, growth in careers,

Hi friends,Ā  Over the last couple of days, Iā€™ve been studying the book of Matthew and it has been such an insightful experience, so I

I love personal development. I love to find new ways to challenge myself to be better. I love to increase my knowledge and by implication,

In my last post, I touched on 3 tips we can consider where breaking bad habits is concerned. Here, we will examine three more points

“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 Do you refer to this scripture during birthdays?

King Solomon is the one who said ā€˜ā€™There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.ā€™ā€™ That to me is a portrait of a

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY ! The colony of ants serves as an all time analogy of the significance of the faces that make up formidable

While I was trying to jot down about the 10 things I MUST DO in a day using my iPad, I noticed that my phone

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