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I struggled a little to come up with a title for this because in this era, women can literally have it all. A lot of

Friendships are like the array of shoes on your shoe rack. Okay, I understand that everyone doesn’t have an array of them but I’m sure

I had always thought prior to this time my life was segmented in such a way that one aspect of my life never affected the

Humans are intricately wired as social beings, we are created for connection and interaction with other people. It is practically impossible for anyone to live

Sometime last year, I was out of work with more than enough free time. I got into this interesting habit of watching the most annoying

To gain clarity on your personal growth journey, take note of the following: Quiet Down : To gain clarity, it is important to quiet down

I had a particular task I was to execute and I kept making excuses; Until one fateful morning, I literally had a mind-block and when

Whao, it’s April already!!!!!! Welcome to the 2nd quarter of the year 2021! It is such a great thing to be alive this time. I

I was reading this book by T Harv Eker; Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. He mentioned that true rich folks constantly learn and grow while

You had an excellent plan for your week. You were on your A-game. You were going to finish that pending project, continue that course, pitched that

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